One of the most important life insights is the reality of impermanence — that everything changes.

There is a pattern:

(1) Arising: Situations, events, and people are born — they arise.

(2) Abiding: Situations, events, and people exist for a time — they abide.

(3) Abating: Situations, events, and people then enter a period of decline, and ultimately die and cease to exist — they abate.

Some situations, events, and people abide for a longer period than others — there is a range from short-lived to long-lived. However, ultimately nothing physical is permanent.

If we can internalise this insight, it will bring us greater peace of mind in life.

Also, in this context, one can learn to accept the reality of death and dying with greater equanimity.

Study, Reflect, Meditate
Reflecting on impermanence and death should be a powerful spur and motivation to not waste the time that we have left in life — to not fritter time away on trivia, nor to be lost in distraction!
(Alexander Peck)
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