I am seeing two fairly significant decisions facing me in the coming months. So, I thought an evergreen topic that applies to all of us at key points in our lives is how to make decisions. Here are some points that I have found helpful.

Prayer for Guidance

For me, the first and foremost starting point is prayer for guidance. I believe that if we ask, we will receive – our prayers will be answered in due time and our dilemmas will become clear.

How We Receive Guidance

How may guidance come? There are several ways which may vary from individual to individual. They include insights, events, circumstances and open/closed doors, comments from others, things we read that resonate with us, as well as inner voice and intuition. For some it may even be through dreams or ESP experiences. Insights may come from logistically compiling a pros and cons list, from gathering facts, getting counsel, or from intuition. Another important dimension in knowing the right decision is peace of mind.

In Times of Doubt

Sometimes we just need to step out and act to the best of our understanding and ability, even if we are not 100% sure what is the right decision. There may be more than one way to act, and both are all right. Sometimes it may be better to make a decision, even if we are not 100% certain if it is the right one, than to make no decision. If a decision is morally and ethically sound, in many cases, there is more than one way to implement it and the results will be good in each case – such as choosing between two jobs or two places to live.

In Times of Serious Doubt

However, if serious doubts exist, or we do not have peace of mind about an action, then either the action or the timing of it is not right. If it is the latter, we may find that a few months or even a year later, everything falls into place and the decision becomes crystal clear. Sometimes we may be gently prepared for an action that we’ll eventually need to take, years before it comes to fruition. We are led to think about the possibilities and to gather facts – and then the time comes when we perceive ourselves ready to act.

Summing Up

To sum up, making decisions is an integral part of our lives as we encounter crossroads and turning points during our earthly journeys. For me, the starting point is asking for divine guidance. Then I become attuned to various ways that guidance may come – information from reading, conversations, insights and intuition, gut feelings, as well as circumstances and open doors. If I have peace of mind and a sense of the right timing, I proceed in confidence that what I am embarking on is the right thing and will work out.

Written by Eva Peck; edited by Alexander Peck (2015).

Study, Reflect, Meditate

Precious human life is wasted through distraction. Act decisively right now … 

If we get distracted, we eventually find ourselves in circumstances in which we are not able to practice the Dharma. …

If we practice and accomplish the Dharma and benefit ourselves, that is very fortunate. 

If we do not practice the Dharma and instead let ourselves get distracted, we will lose this opportunity and waste the freedoms and advantages of human life. 

We therefore need to make the decision to practice Dharma now. We need to decrease the afflictions at once and not act out misdeeds and nonvirtues. It is important to practice taking up virtue and giving up nonvirtue right away. In this way, we need to act decisively right now.

(Thrangu, Khenchen. Advice from a Yogi: An Explanation of a Tibetan Classic on What Is Most Important. 2015.)

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